Cattle Feed Pellet Mill, 20 tph These mills are generally used for making the pulverized material into required shapes and sizes. The process through which the mill operates is very unique as the material is put into the screw feeder which can be easily adjusted for the feeding speed and getting proper material flow.
The roller and conveyers are made up from food graded PVC and hygienic material. The cutter rollers has provision for cutting various size of papads such as 4, 6, 8 inches. 2 in 1 Flour Kneader Machine. operate with fully motorized.
As a well-recognized enterprise, we are engrossed in proposing clients the best Automatic Murmura Making Machine. Suitable for murmura and bhel, it can produce from 200 to 500kg/hr or 50 to 100kg by consuming low fuel. The machine can be heated with the use of fuel like LPG gas, kerosene, diesel, paddy husk, wood, saw dust, coal, and so on. Driven by 220V voltage, 0.75 HP power consumption, and single phase power supply, Automatic Murmura Making Machine is durable, rust proof, and comes in different models.
We propose Automatic Sevai Making Machine, which produces quality sevai and noodles using 3mm size die with capacity of 20-22 kg/hr 25-30 kg/hr.
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